Rotating Telehandler Operator – Qualities and Duties

Like fixed telehandlers can lift loads and place them from one point to another, the rotating telehandlers can lift loads and can revolve to 360 degrees. It’s a special feature that no other high capacity telehandlers have. Today, a rotating telehandler has become a benchmark that gives maximum reliability, productivity with safety on a construction site. The revolving turret system used in the machine that gives it the flexibility to rotate was a revolution in the world of construction equipment. From construction to the agricultural industry, the rotating telehandler has proven to be one of the most efficient machines in terms of operation and ease of work.

However, operating a telehandler is not as easy as gulping a piece of the pie. The operator of a rotating telehandler has to undergo a theoretical course and practical training before operating it on the final construction site. It is the prime duty of the employers to evaluate and examine the qualifications and capacity of the operator before giving them the responsibility to handle the rotating telehandler. They have specific skills and defined duties on the site. Here are some of the details on the skills and qualifications of a rotating telehandler operator.

Skills, Qualification, and Duties:
The duty of a rotating telehandler operator starts with reading the instruction manual and follow every instruction wisely. The operator of the machine is not allowed to operate the rotating telehandler unless the manual has been read and the training is completed under the supervision of an experienced and qualified operator. This practical training is a must to know every intricacy of operating and maintaining the telehandler. Moreover, the below-mentioned qualities of the operator are also checked:

Good Physical and Mental Condition:
The operator has to be physically fit and mentally sound with attentiveness. It is checked to examine whether the operator is fit enough to understand and interpret what he sees and what instruction he gets. Also, attentiveness is checked to ascertain their concentration power which is the major requirement onsite while lifting loads on a height.

A Valid, Applicable Driver’s License:
No matter whichever state you are in; it is mandatory to have an applicable driving license to prove that you are a good driver. Since the operator has to drive a rotating telehandler within the construction site, he should have excellent driving skills.

Normal Reflexes and Reaction Time:
These are tested to examine whether the operator can interpret the signals and how they react to them in the specified time.

Good Vision and Hearing:
The operator should have a good vision and strong auditory power. Any operator with an eye ailment like myopia or hypermetropia is not selected.  Good vision helps is farsightedness and proper hearing skills will ensure strong auditory skills even from a distance to work on any instruction.

The operator must not be on any medication which could impair abilities neither they can be under alcohol influence or any intoxicant during their shift. In addition to it, the operator must read, understand, interpret, and comply with instructions contained in the following material furnished:

  • The Operation & Safety Manual
  • Telehandler Safety Manual
  • All instructional decals and plates
  • Any optional equipment instructions furnished

The operator must also read, understand, and comply with all applicable employer, industry, and governmental rules, standards and regulations.

Dieci Ontario, based in Greater Toronto Canada, deals in renting and purchase of construction equipment like telehandlers, rotating telehandlers, boom lifts, forklifts, etc. We also believe that trained operators are the best friends of any construction site. We provide training courses and practical training to the worker who operates onsite. Our extensive exposure results in 100% trained workers who are fit and fine to carry construction lifting work effectively and efficiently.